Proximity Marketing
Proximity marketing is a system that uses location-based technologies, such as beacons and GPS, to reach customers on mobile devices.
A proximity advertisement (PAD) is an element of proximity marketing campaigns. PADs transmit notifications based on location intelligence and pre-selected notification preferences. The goal is to convert footfall into sales with the proper ad incentives.
How It Works
Proximity marketing software, such as Appadia, uses beacons and/or GPS-based geofencing to send timely and relevant advertisements to app users.
It’s important to use these proximity advertisements (PADs) to the customer’s advantage. Some PAD examples are:
- A 10% off coupon for staying in a store for 10 minutes
- A free glass of champagne while shopping at a jewelry store
- Notice that there are currently open spots at a salon
How It Works
Proximity marketing software, such as Appadia, uses beacons and/or GPS-based geofencing to send timely and relevant advertisements to app users.
It’s important to use these proximity advertisements (PADs) to the customer’s advantage. Some PAD examples are:
- A 10% off coupon for staying in a store for 10 minutes
- A free glass of champagne while shopping at a jewelry store
- Notice that there are currently open spots at a salon
Technology Used
To assess proximity marketing campaigns and to engage customers, we place a beacon in your establishment. The beacon communicates with your mobile app to send deals.
GPS-based Geofencing
A GPS-based geofence is used to create a virtual geographic boundary. This enables our Appadia platform to trigger a push notification when the app user enters or leaves a specific area.
Track customer location
Target customers on mobile
Share relevant content
Enhance customer experience
Efficient marketing tool
Track customer location
Target customers on mobile
Share relevant content
Enhance customer experience
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